Common Sense

Taking Responsibility


Sick of hearing about Congressman Gary Condit? Just remember it can always get worse. Today’s subject is one we’d rather not talk about sexual abuse of children.

Two Maryland politicians have become embroiled in scandals involving sexual abuse. Part of the scandal is how others too often turn a blind eye. Alfred Muller had been mayor of Friendship Heights for 26 years until he was accused of molesting a 14-​year-​old boy in the restroom of the National Cathedral. First, seeking another term, he denied the charge. But then he plead guilty and stepped down. After babbling on about taking “full responsibility,” Muller was sentenced. How long will he serve for his crime? No jail time, just three years probation. Judge Shellie Bowers believes Muller paid for the crime with his public fall from grace, explaining, “As for the punishment aspect, I think there’s the humiliation, the disgrace, all of that.”

Or take the case of State Delegate Joan Cadden and her husband, who was convicted of the sexual abuse of his niece abuse his wife knew about but didn’t report to authorities. Seems the whole family, even the abused girl’s parents, put Delegate Cadden’s political career as first priority. State GOP Chairman Michael Steele says, “When you hear family members say they were trying to protect the delegate’s political career, that they turned a blind eye to the abuse because of political considerations, it gives you pause.” Yes, a great deal of pause …

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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