Common Sense

Made in China?


Remember Tiananmen Square?

The student who stood bravely blocking tanks only a satchel of books in his hand. These students’ courage was moving and so was their reverence for American symbols of freedom. They passed out our Declaration of Independence on the square. And out of crude materials they fashioned a beautiful “lady liberty” after our own Statute of Liberty.

This June marks the 10th anniversary of the crackdown on the pro-​democracy students. Chinese leaders rolled tanks over the bodies of young people asking for the simple freedom we must never take for granted. The world owes the U.S. of A. a debt for being a shining beacon of liberty. Our institutions have served as real examples to other people who yearn to be free.

But we owe it to ourselves, and the world, to protect these freedoms.

A recent Fox News poll shows a majority of Americans believe President Clinton traded national secrets to the Chinese for campaign contributions. We know the chief of China’s military intelligence funneled money to the president’s reelection fund. The career politicians’ greedy desire to win reelection at all costs is at work here.

Whether or not Clinton was aware of all the rotten activities, he clearly was concerned with raising the funds to get reelected, and everything else including the security of our country be damned. Our free society is a beacon to the world, but is U.S. policy made in China? The very question is a slap in the face to our heritage.

Thank goodness for the two-​term limit on the president.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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