government transparency national politics & policies

Democrats Give the Internet to the FTC?


Congress has all the backbone of a jellyfish. Tasked with sole power to declare war, it delegates such decision-​making to the Executive Branch every chance it gets. The U.S. hasn’t declared war since World War II, but is now engaged in two land wars in Asia. 

Further, for a long time, Congress has handed over law-​writing tasks to various regulatory divisions of the Executive Branch. This may have gotten worse with the recent Democratic hegemony. Example? Congress is maneuvering to give the Internet over to the Federal Trade Commission.

Pelosi’s little platoons have hidden this momentous change in the recent banking regulation bill. But as Ed Morrissey of Hotair​.com notes, the Internet had nothing to do with the recent financial collapse, another iteration of which the new bill is ostensibly designed to prevent

So why sneak this provision into an unrelated bill?

Maybe to come down on one side of the Net Neutrality debate without ever really confronting the issues. 

People engaged in this debate about regulating Internet and bandwidth pricing may disagree about a lot of things, but surely they all agree that Congress should legislate for the Internet openly and honestly, not make its biggest decisions in obscure provisions of a measure that will be voted on only to solve utterly unrelated problems.

You may be thinking, FCC, FTC — does it matter? Well, I bet it really matters to some powerful Democrat. Hence the sneaky maneuvers.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

6 replies on “Democrats Give the Internet to the FTC?”

Let’s see, a democratically elected socialist in charge and enforcing federal control and regulation of nearly all industries?

The National Socialist American Workers party?

[…] Paul Jacob on government transparency and Net Neutrality — DEMOCRATS TO GIVE THE INTERNET TO THE FTC… thisiscommonsense​.com/​?p=5802 – view page – cached Tweets about this link Topsy.Data.Twitter.User[‘wirkman’] = {“location”:“Wahkiakum County”,“photo”:“”,“url”:“”,“name”:“T.W. Virkkala”,“nick”:“wirkman”,“description”:“Editor and locofoco propagandist.”,“influence”:“”}; wirkman: “Paul Jacob on government transparency and Net Neutrality — DEMOCRATS TO GIVE THE INTERNET TO THE FTC? http://​bit​.ly/dDrPlZ ” 6 minutes ago view tweet retweet Filter tweets […]

What are you thinking? Without regulation and size control, megers and acquisitions by large corporations will insure that there will be few portals available limiting access and stifling competition and resulting in higher rates. Not all big business is good business and not all business regulation is bad for the public or for business. As an example I’ll be happy to discuss the devistating negative consequesnces of the demise of the Financial Syndication Rules on the independent television and motion picture production community as just one example.

Why not mention the Code of Federal Regulations? It is deceiving to omit this important part of law making. Congress for decades has delegated via CFRs regulations to Cabinet posts. Neither party can claim responsibility for this.

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