
Video: The Simulacrum of Democracy


How the Ron Paul delegates at the Big Show, er, Republican National Convention, were routed.

Go to 1:21 on this and watch to the end. The teleprompter tells the speaker how the RNC delegates are “going to vote” on changing the rules to knock out the Ron Paul delegates. Something ain’t quite kosher about this.

3 replies on “Video: The Simulacrum of Democracy”

Like the Democratic convention vote to put God back in the platform, apparently democracy and adhering to rules doesn’t matter. I heard objections to the voice vote which Boehner ignored. And I can’t say that the ayes had a majority either. 

Our political “leaders” don’t really care for democracy, just what they want. 

I’ll be voting for Gary Johnson who at least is honest, something that doesn’t apply to either Romney nor Obama.

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