Common Sense

Party Pooper

Wouldn’t it be nice if when you paid your income tax, you could send the money to the programs or projects you thought most important? Here’s one I bet wouldn’t get too many people checking the box: funding the decadent shindigs that we still for some reason call “political conventions.”

This year, Republicans partying in Philadelphia and Democrats celebrating in L.A. will churn through some 26 million of our tax dollars for the all-​important cause of hoopla. The Reform Party will get a few million dollars as well. Yes, we taxpayers are buying balloons, confetti, fancy hors d’oeuvres, liquor and entertainment so the political elite can have a swell time. Somehow having my tax dollars given away to fund party favors for politicians just doesn’t warm my heart the way making a donation to a local charity does.

Some will say, “Oh, it’s only a trifling $26 million smackers. What’s the big deal? In a $1.8 trillion budget, that’s nothing.” But you know, a million here and a million there and pretty soon you’re talking about real money.

To take the fruit of someone’s labor away from them is bad enough. But to take it away to fund extravagant parties for a special elite group is a special insult added to injury. My Mother used to say, “Don’t be a party pooper.” Well, sorry Ma, I really don’t have anything against someone having a party; it’s just that when I’m paying the bills, I’m cheap.

At least, cheaper than politicians.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

Common Sense

Getting Things Done

Career politicians always tell us how long it takes to learn the ropes, to climb the seniority ladder and “get things done.” In a recent debate, a candidate for Congress refused to make a term limits pledge saying he thought it would take him 17 years to gain enough seniority to be effective. In other words, just elect and reelect me eight times and then look out because maybe I’ll finally get around to doing something.

Of course, too often what the career politicians call “getting things done” is often better described as pork-​barreling for fun and political profit. For instance, Rep. Doug Bereuter of Nebraska, a 22-​year incumbent, candidly admits what he and fellow GOP careerists are up to this year, [quote] “avoiding political difficulties and helping constituencies that are favorable.”

In other words, they’re using our tax dollars to reward their supporters and win votes. That’s what they’re getting done. Sound noble to you?

But Rep. Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania, a freshman, is getting things done right now. He just passed legislation to take $4 billion of the surplus out of the hands of congressional politicians, and instead use it to pay down the national debt. Long-​serving members were amazed that a freshman could get such an important bill passed.

Why is Toomey getting things done instead of just marking time? Well, he has no time to waste. He pledged to go to Washington for a short period of public service, three terms, not a career. So waiting around isn’t part of his plan.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

Common Sense

We the People

Our Constitution begins with the words “We the People.” Was that just a typo?

I ask because David Broder, the Washington Post reporter, has written a book attacking the right of voters to enact laws directly through the initiative process. Broder argues that the process destroys representative government, has no constitutional restraint, and is corrupted by special interests.

Should we fear initiatives? Our Constitution protects us from laws that abridge our rights whether passed by voters or imposed by politicians. But in reality, initiatives are regularly struck down by the same courts that regularly give a free pass to acts of the legislature.

What about corruption? There’s a long, ugly history of legislators taking bribes and doing the bidding of special interests. But can special interests pay off an entire city, an entire state? Get real, Broder. Power corrupts men, but an initiative, a piece of paper, cannot be corrupted.

So why the antagonism for initiatives? Broder, like most of elite Washington, opposes term limits and tax reforms that have come about almost exclusively through the citizen initiative process. If you don’t like it when people regain control over their own lives and their own government, you won’t like initiatives.

Broder doesn’t think much of the average voter. Let career politicians decide all. Dane Waters of the Initiative & Referendum Institute admits that no lawmaking process is perfect, but asks, “If the people can’t be trusted, who can?”

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

Common Sense

Gave at the Office?

You may have seen the article in your local newspaper, unless of course you’ve been too busy to read the paper because you’ve been rummaging through old receipts and struggling with various tax equations in order to get your federal income taxes filed. Well, the message from Congress on paying your taxes may be “Why bother?”

You see, the IRS just reported that members of Congress and their staffs owe about $10.5 million dollars in unpaid taxes, “one of the highest rates of delinquency in the federal government” and higher than that of the general public.

I guess they can’t say they gave at the office. You’d think that since members of Congress get to spend all the money, they’d be more willing than the average citizen to pay their share. But apparently no.

I’m troubled, but I’m also sympathetic. You know, the tax bite is huge. Federal income taxes alone are monstrous. But add those state and local taxes, sales taxes, property taxes, the tax on this and the tax on that, and the total bill is tough for anybody to pay. How come we gotta pay all those taxes? Oh, a little thing called “unbridled spending” by greedy career politicians in collusion with greedy special interests.

We have met the enemy and it’s the career politicians in Washington. It is a shame that politicians in Congress must be burdened with so much tax debt. But don’t worry about them. The next time they want to spend more money on some program, they’ll just get it from you.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

Common Sense

March Madness

The NCAA tournament known as “March Madness” excites millions of fans. Every year the competition is fierce and produces at least a few stunning upsets. The University of North Carolina had one of its worst records in memory. Yet they beat the number one seed in their region and advanced to the Final Four. It just goes to show that you don’t know for sure how a contest will end until you play the game. That’s why they do play the game instead of asking a bunch of self-​proclaimed experts to pick the winner in advance.

There’s a lesson here for our political system. People have been arguing about whether the independent or third party candidates should be allowed in the presidential debates. The supposedly non-​partisan Commission on Presidential Debates, which incidentally is chaired by former Republican and Democratic Party chairmen, says that only candidates who poll 15 percent support will be invited to participate.

Hold on. Most Americans don’t even think about the candidates until the debates. So it doesn’t make sense to first arbitrarily decide who’s going to win and then disqualify those players that the pundits say can’t win. Of course they can’t win if they don’t even get a shot at the title! In 1992, Ross Perot had less than 10 percent support before the debates. But on Election Day he captured 19 percent.

The Demo-​publican power brokers want to kill off political competition. Let’s hope they never get interested in basketball.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

Common Sense

The Welfare Mentality

Recently President Clinton begged the wealthier countries of the world to provide help to the poorer countries, so that they too could expand their economies and improve the lives of the people.

Now that sounds like a nice charitable sentiment until you think about how the good ole US of A grew from a poor nation into the wealthiest people in the history of the world. We did not become rich because of charity from Great Britain or France. Our ancestors built this country with their bare hands, and their dreams. We had what so many countries did not have: freedom.

If you want a country to be rich, encourage it to be free. Of course, a lesson in free-​market economics is probably not a lesson your typical dictator wants to hear. They’d rather have the handouts. The kind that are easy to divert to Swiss bank accounts.

Al Gore shares this same welfare mentality when he calls Internet access “a fundamental right.” Thanks Big Al, but in a free country we’re getting on line just fine on our own. The people who started this country embraced freedom and individual responsibility.

As James Madison said, “We have staked the whole future of American civilization, not upon the power of government, far from it.… [but] upon the capacity of mankind for self-​government; upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves, to control ourselves, to sustain ourselves …”

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.