
Video: Don’t Tell the Kids

Penn Jillette has some provocative things to say about how to talk to kids about school shootings and the like. And the provocation is not just his swearing:


Video: Hayek on Social Justice

It’s a mirage, saith he, a fantasy:

Actually, this is a Bill Buckley interview not only with Nobel Laureate F.A. Hayek, but also with George Roche, president of Hillsdale College … from quite a while ago.


Video: Napolitano on the Progressives’ Anti-Constitutionalism

The hallmark of Progressivism was and remains a disrespect for constitutional limits on government power, starting and ending with Executive power.


Video: How Not to Help Families with Disabled Children

I bet most folks really want to help families with disabled children, with the kind of “kids” (many of whom are adults) who need round-​the-​clock help. I am sure that is why the State of Michigan pays family members to care for their children that have such extraordinary and demanding needs.

But does it help family members to force them to join the SEIU?

This is a strange and disturbing story, a story of a power grab … of naked ambition corrupting the last bit of charity out of the system. And it is certainly an affront to justice.

free trade & free markets video

Video: The U.S. is a HUGE subsidizer

Free markets may be an American ideal, but they aren’t an American reality:

responsibility video

Video: The Wrong Kind of Freedom

The freedom spoken of by the Founding Fathers, enshrined in American state papers, advocated by abolitionists, and practiced by millions of hard-​working Americans, is not the freedom that has now been achieved, and is now being promoted in Washington, D.C., or Europe, for that matter. Here is Anthony Daniels to help define this “new” freedom:

Anthony Daniels, “The Ultimate Freedom, Choice Without Consequences”, PFS 2012 from Property & Freedom Society on Vimeo.