by Paul Jacob video

Video: They Must Suffer

Paul Jacob discusses the incentives and disincentives for politicians to serve the public. With some focus, this episode, on the Democratic Party.

CSV20160613-​They Must Suffer from Paul Jacob on Vimeo.


Video: Not Fringe

This week, Colbert interviewed his first “full ticket” Prez/​Vice Prez candidate team:

Hoping for an uptick in interest:

by Paul Jacob video

Video: Political Party Truth Time

In the last few weeks we have learned how wrong much of what we are told about who legally and effectively picks the presidential candidates in the major political parties.

Who has an interest in not telling the truth, and undermining the integrity of America’s political parties? 

by Paul Jacob video

Video: The War We Aren’t Winning

Government to citizens: go shop yourselves to death; leave the warfare to us…


Video: Federal Food Philosophy?

The comedy of the “settled science” of nutrition has really been improved by federal support:

by Paul Jacob video

Video: The Delegates (Week in Review)

In what we plan as a new feature here at Common Sense, our video of the week is … Common Sense! That is, a video chat featuring Paul Jacob himself:

Here Paul reviews the basic information about the week’s biggest story: the GOP delegates are not what they seem.