by Paul Jacob video

Watch: Beyond Peeved?

Paul Jacob has a list. And another list, too:

This Week in Common Sense, vlog version.

by Paul Jacob video

Watch: It’s in the Ice Cream

The second part of the weekend podcast, in video form:

This Week in Common Sense, September 8 – 11, 2020.

by Paul Jacob video

Watch: What’s the Worst?

Paul Jacob reviews the biggest story of the week in this Part One of the weekend’s two-​part podcast:

Part Two will appear here on Sunday.
by Paul Jacob video

Watch: So Now What?

Paul asks and answers more than one question in this vlog edition of the weekend podcast:

This Week in Common Sense, August 31-​September 4, 2020.

by Paul Jacob video

Watch: The Weird Weeks Ahead

The video version of the weekend podcast. It’s a doozy, folks!

This Week in Common Sense for the last full week of August, 2020.
by Paul Jacob video

Watch: The Powers That Be Must Not…

Paul has choice words about the biggest stories of the week:

This Week in Common Sense, August 17 – 21, 2020.