by Paul Jacob video

Watch: … the Cost

Paul Jacob on Arkansas, China, and other beleaguered tyrannical places.

by Paul Jacob video

Watch: What the Heck Is Going On?

This Week in Common Sense for the final week of May, 2021:

by Paul Jacob video

Watch: (Why) They Do Not Represent Us

From the headlines to your YouTube viewing screen:

by Paul Jacob video

Watch: The Destruction of Alderaan???

Paul Jacob feels a disturbance in the Force:

This Week in Common Sense, May 15, 2021.
by Paul Jacob video

Watch: The People v. Six-​Trillion-​Dollar Man

Paul Jacob’s ongoing coverage of our fantasy-​thriller, American politics:

This Week in Common Sense, May 9, 2021.

by Paul Jacob video

Watch: Anti-​Racism with a Touch of Meanness

Paul Jacob laughs through today’s horrors:

This Week in Common Sense, May 2, 2021.