by Paul Jacob video

Watch: Freedom & the Chinazi Problem

Paul is on the road, so it is time to reminisce — about a previous trek of his, to Hong Kong and Taiwan.

by Paul Jacob video

Watch: Cops in Texas, Cops in a Police State

We want to be for the police, but that obviously cannot be unconditional. One cannot be “for” the police in a police state. Just as we cannot be “for” politicians who seek to turn America into a police state … or the cops that enforce the tyrannies of just such a state.

by Paul Jacob video

Watch: How Few Politicians…

Just how sneaky can politicians get? Enough to make us spend a lot of effort and money to counter-​act their lies.

by Paul Jacob video

Watch: Everything’s Decided?

Paul’s on the road, and gives an explanation of what he is up to: think Michigan and Initiative.

Also covered is the sorry state of the current political landscape and practical things to do about it:

by Paul Jacob video

Watch: We Love Democracy… Unless.…

Finding the lead lining of a silver story from Florida — and other adventures.

by Paul Jacob video

Watch: Different Screams

Paul Jacob laughs, sighs, weeps, cheers, and jeers his way through the big stories of the week, from Shanghai (really bad news), Virginia (really good news), to the Twitterverse (good news plus a lot of gallows chortling).

This podcast covers the final week of April 2022.

This Week in Common Sense: audio podcast hosted on SoundCloud.