
Video: Milton Friedman contra Conscription

The late Prof. Milton Friedman, whose birthday is on the 31st, exerted influence on a number of policy issues, none more important than “the draft”:


Video: Fee, Fie, Frum’s Foe

Columnist David Frum appears to be upset about the waning of Milton Friedman’s influence in the conservative movement, his status as Free Market Economist allegedly being replaced by the Austrian-​American economist Ludwig von Mises. Historian Tom Woods’s reaction is worth considering:


Video: Why Stockton Went Belly Up

We’ve discussed the Stockton, California, municipal bankruptcy. It was brought about by a number of factors, but the highlights are (1) lavish and totally unsustainable public employee pay and benefits, and (2) the recession. Here is a detailed explanation from Vice Mayor Kathy Miller:

This sort of disaster may be coming soon to a city near you.


Video: Jon Lovitz Clarifies

A few months ago, Jon Lovitz caught Hollywood’s elites off-​guard by turning on President Barack Obama on the tax issue. He ranted against the notion that he and others like him don’t pay their “fair share” of taxes. He used, shall we say, “harsh words.” Now, calmed down a bit, and in a different venue, he clarifies:

A section of his original rant, here (contains profanity).


Videos: The Highest Authority on the Constitution

What allowed the majority of the Supreme Court to declare, in one breath, that the penalty for not buying medical insurance is, at the same time, both a tax and not a tax?

The word is “sophistry.”

And what to do about it?


Video: Government Growth, Outsourced

The federal government still grows. But much of it is outsourced, according to Andrew Ferguson: