by Paul Jacob video

Here to Help?

This week’s podcast plunges deep into the insanity of our time:

This Week in Common Sense, Jan. 6 – 10, 2020.
by Paul Jacob video

Can We Handle the Truth?

What is the biggest story of 2019? There is some competition.

This Week in Common Sense, December 30, 2019 — January 3, 2020.
by Paul Jacob video

We Won’t Go

What can we do for freedom? Paul has an answer:

This Week in Common Sense, December 23 – 27, 2019: Video.
by Paul Jacob video

Fun, Fun, Fun

Paul defends the politicians? (Not exactly.) A “damning indictment”:

This Week in Common Sense, December 16 – 20, 2019.
by Paul Jacob video

Plunger Protest!

Paul has the symbol for our activism, right there in his hand.

This Week in Common Sense, December 9 – 13, 2019.
by Paul Jacob video

What a Deluge, What a Mess

Paul reviews the week’s big stories and puts the term limits for Congress in historical perspective.

This Week in Common Sense, December 7, 2019.