by Paul Jacob video

Watch: What If It Is Not Really About Race?

This Week in Common Sense, June 15 — 19, 2020.
by Paul Jacob video

Watch: The Good Fight

This Week in Common Sense, June 8 — 12, 2020.
by Paul Jacob video

Watch: What’s In-​Between Two Bad Systems?

Paul explores today’s situation, complete with its chaos and its power trips.

This Week in Common Sense, June 1 — 5, 2020.
by Paul Jacob video

Watch: Yes, There Is Good News, Too

There is good news, even in these trying times:

This Week in Common Sense, May 25 — 29, 2020.
by Paul Jacob video

Watch: Money Grows on… Cash Machines?

Paul Jacob covers the big stories of the week, in the vlog version of the podcast:

This Week in Common Sense, May 18 — 22, 2020.
by Paul Jacob video

Watch: Shining Light Inside

Paul Jacob covers the big stories of the week, in the vlog version of the podcast:

This Week in Common Sense, May 11 — 15, 2020.