
Townhall: Chicago, Baquba, and a Massacre Near You

This weekend’s Common Sense column essays the ground of violence. Sneak on over to Townhall​.com and then rush back here for a few more citations.


Townhall: Obama and the Bloody Shirt

Over at Townhall this weekend, your Common Sense columnist considers President Obama’s emotionalist focus on the Newtown massacre as an excuse for irrelevant “gun control.” Go there. And come back here to cogitate on a few of the more controversial points:


Townhall: Self-​Wrecking Pols Take “Public” Out of “Republican”

Over at Townhall​.com, the story is one of Pyrhhic victories. You know, the kind the Republican Party seems to know best.

Now, for further reading:


Townhall: Subverting Democracy to Subsidize Billionaires

This weekend’s column over at Townhall​.com looks at something we see too often everywhere: politicians subsidizing rich people’s sporting endeavors … on the backs of normal folks. Come back here for sources and resources, if not recourses:


Townhall: It’s not about drones

The key issue of last week’s great Rand Paul filibuster was not drone technology, as such, but whether those who run the government will accept the rules of the Constitution. That’s the message from Yours Truly this week on Townhall. Read the column, then come back here for some more links to further facts and opinion.


Townhall: A Gun Out of a Mountain Out of a Molehill

Over at Townhall, the weekend’s subject is, once again, guns. But it gets worse: we’re talking about fake guns, here. And they’re just as worrisome … if you are an “educator.”

Come back here for links, for further reading: