links The Draft

Townhall: Uncle Sam Wants to Nationalize You!

…this weekend at Townhall.…

Some folks cannot leave well enough alone. They want not only your money and access to your property. They want you. And seek to compel you. To do what they want.

And they see this because … freedom?

This weekend’s column will appear on this site mid-week.

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Townhall: Don’t Interrupt the Democrats

At Townhall, Paul Jacob cuts Alexandria Ocasio-​Cortez enough slack for the Democrats to hang themselves.

On Tuesday, the column will be archived on this site.


Townhall: Testing Humanity, and Other Fails

Socialism depends for its increasing support upon widespread ignorance of economic reality. That it keeps creeping back into politics may not seem strange. What may seem strange is that a major business enterprise would also not understand that reality. But that appears to be the case. More at Townhall. And yet more below:

  • The company? Panera Bread.
  • It’s a franchise operation.
  • The Blaze reported on its “Panera Cares” experiment going “belly-​up.”
  • But for the full comedy, try NPR’s Planet Money podcast.
  • For the Pareto-​Schmoller tale, you could read Vilfredo Pareto’s Mind and Society. Or just check out this blogpost.
  • For why socialism cannot work like socialists say it can work, you might try Ludwig von Mises’ classic Socialism: An Economic and Sociological Analysis. (Pareto wrote a two-​volume work of a similar nature, but it has never been translated into English!)

Townhall: Testing Humanity, and Other Fails

Socialism depends for its increasing support upon widespread ignorance of economic reality. That it keeps creeping back into politics may not seem strange. What may seem strange is that a major business enterprise would also not understand that reality. But that appears to be the case. More at Townhall. And yet more below:

  • The company? Panera Bread.
  • It’s a franchise operation.
  • The Blaze reported on its “Panera Cares” experiment going “belly-​up.”
  • But for the full comedy, try NPR’s Planet Money podcast.
  • For the Pareto-​Schmoller tale, you could read Vilfredo Pareto’s Mind and Society. Or just check out this blogpost.
  • For why socialism cannot work like socialists say it can work, you might try Ludwig von Mises’ classic Socialism: An Economic and Sociological Analysis. (Pareto wrote a two-​volume work of a similar nature, but it has never been translated into English!)

End the Occupation

What to do about America’s longest-​running war.…

Click on over to Townhall for an answer. And here are some hints for further reading:

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Service vs. Involuntary Servitude

The National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service will release an interim report this Wednesday at an event at the Newseum in Washington, DC, beginning at 9:00 A.M. The Commission was created by Congress “to consider and develop recommendations concerning the need for a military draft, and means by which to foster a greater attitude and ethos of service among American youth.”

Paul Jacob will attend to demand the government oppose their push for mandatory national service and expanding draft registration. Last April, Jacob testified before the commission and penned this commentary, entitled “Leave Those Kids Alone.”

Paul has long opposed both military and non-​military conscription. Back in the 1980s, he served nearly six months in prison for refusing to register for the draft. 

See also: “Paul Jacob on the Draft