
Townhall: Mob Violence and Its Defenders

The Bishop Berkeley (1685 – 1783) famously advanced strange notions about the nature of ideas and existence . . . and proof of the latter on the grounds of the former.

This weekend’s column has nothing to do with that. It is about the Berkeley anti-Milo riots. And free speech taken as “violence” and violence regarded as “free speech.” Which is weirder than Bishop Berkeley’s philosophical idealism, come to think of it.

Anyway, no metaphysics by Paul Jacob at Townhall this weekend. Just common sense. Click here to view. Come back for citations:


Townhall: Anarchists, Tea and Sympathy

You have seen the signs, you know the times. But where do you stand on protest vs. rioting?

Paul Jacob plies his common sense trade at Townhall, addressing precisely this issue. Why not join him, then click back here?


Townhall: Get Over It

Partiers party, protestors protest, rioters riot, and reasoners . . . go to Townhall and read the latest Common Sense column from Paul Jacob. Particularly impassioned reasoners might wish to return for more perspective:

YouTube: San Jose videos


Townhall: Term Limits vs. Corruption

Fighting corruption in government is a never-ending task. But it looks like there are certain institutional practices that can help us, year in, year out.

Click on over to Townhall for the latest lesson in this ancient wisdom, pried from newspaper headlines. Then come back here for those headlines:


Townhall: ObamaCare, Dead Plan Walking

Just how deep in whose mess are we in?

Click on over to Townhall for an answer. Then come back here.


Townhall: Terrorists in Plain Sight

Should we “err on the side of security”?

We shouldn’t err at all. That gets us nowhere. And unthinkingly sticking to failed notions of security is not helping avoid mistakes.

Click on over to Townhall. Then back here for more intel.