First Amendment rights public opinion too much government

The Method to the Current Madness

The safety and efficacy of the coronavirus vaccines has been disputed from the beginning.

What this usually means is that those of a skeptical mind challenge the confidence of the pro-​vax mantra — “safe and effective” ad nauseam — and, when they find stats that run counter to this official position, they publicize those stats. Then, major media outfits make a few carping criticisms of the new studies and quickly proceed to assuredly re-​state as fact the original and now more-​dubious propaganda. 

Meanwhile, social media censors dissidents. And when more studies come out casting grave doubt on either the safety or the efficacy of the new drugs, those receive little public attention.

How Alex Berenson was treated is a good example of the methods of the orthodoxy. Take Wikipedia’s judgment: “During the coronavirus pandemic, Berenson appeared frequently in American right-​wing media, spreading false claims about COVID-​19 and its vaccines,” the article confidently runs. “He spent much of the pandemic arguing that its seriousness was overblown; once COVID-​19 vaccines were rolled out, he made false claims about the safety and effectiveness of vaccines.”

False claims! In olden times — why, it seems like just a few years ago — a major news and history resource would not baldly call some contentious matter “false” or “true.” It would state the claims and then let the counter-​claims carry their own weight.

In the case of “the safety and effectiveness of the vaccines,” though, it has become clear: their efficacy wanes, diminishing quicker with each dose, leaving the unvaccinated with proportionally fewer infection and spreading events than the “boosted.”

And as excess deaths and inexplicable demises increase around the world we are “not allowed” to state this in many public forums.

No way to run a health crisis.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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14 replies on “The Method to the Current Madness”

From Scientific American 7 June 2022

“…In order to avoid the pitfalls of absolute numbers, it is useful to instead look at incidence rates — usually expressed as the number of deaths per 100,000 people. Standardizing the denominator across all groups offers a very different picture.

Credit: Amanda Montañez; Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Another way to think about the protection vaccination provides is to compare the ratios of death rates among the vaccinated and unvaccinated. For the month of March, “unvaccinated people 12 years and older had 17 times the rate of COVID-​associated deaths, compared to people vaccinated with a primary series and a booster dose,” says Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service commander Heather Scobie, deputy team lead for surveillance and analytics at the CDC’s Epidemiology Task Force.* “Unvaccinated people had eight times the rate of death as compared to people who only had a primary series,” suggesting that boosters increase the level of protection.”

Had you drilled down to sources, you might have noted that much of that is all exploded.

Did you know that during the first two weeks after vaccination, a vaccinated person is, for statistical purposes, considered unvaccinated? Did you realize that during this period, as the immune system is being hijacked to produce the spiked protein which features prominently only in early strains of the disease, that the vaccinated person is more susceptible to OTHER infections than COVID? And that, with each booster shot, the length of efficacy decreases? And that in England and elsewhere stats show that the vaccinated are getting COVID and even dying of COVID more than the unvaccinated?

Had you looked at some of the links, you may have gained some knowledge, but I understand: Scientific American SEEMS authoritative. But it is now just a shill for Big Pharma and the maximum state that has other agendas than our health.

You don’t have a clue! I watched the Mark Steyn video and there was no mention of whether the “excess deaths” were of vaccinated or unvaccinated people. Hard to put any substance to his video. Maybe all those deaths were people who were unvaccinated! His video means “nothing” since it lacks any real information.

Where are the peer-​reviewed studies? None presented. I am double backed and double boosted and I will take the next booster when available.

Pam, note that you have responded to Tim with a flurry of insults instead of addressing his point: The people most affect by COVID-​19 are not those who have refused to receive injections, but those who were injected less than two weeks earlier. A willful failure to place those who were recently injected into their own category, rather than grouping them with those who received one-​fewer injection, has masked what has been happening, but as the sequence of injections as lengthened, the mask has slipt off. 

In that context, I encourage every militant advocate of these injections to get every one of them, and even to get each more than once.

I would encourage idiots like you to never get vaccinated for any disease, just let your “natural” immunity be your savior!

Pam, again you fail to deal with the substantial point: The people most affect by COVID-​19 are not those who have refused to receive injections, but those who were injected less than two weeks earlier.

My immune system responded quite well to SARS-​CoV‑2 when it hit me on 11 February 2020. The worst symptoms passed in less than 24 hours. My immune system was never disrupted by these injections, and was exposed to the full virus, rather than just to an imitation of the spiked protein; so I had and have a better immune response to later exposure than those who received the injections. Though I make a point of going out nearly every day and dealing with people and did so during the lock-​downs, I have never again contracted symptomatic COVID-19.

Pam, no. One of the things that I did at the outset was to ensure that I ingested at least the RDA of vitamin D every day. Only a very tiny share of those hospitalized with COVID-​19 were not deficient in vitamin D. Yet, even to-​day, the advice presented from the commanding heights of our culture seldom mentions vitamin D. 

Meanwhile, you’re still ducking the point that the people most affected by COVID-​19 are not those who have refused to receive injections, but those who were injected less than two weeks earlier.

Berenson appears to be a right-​wing hack who writes a good spy novel.

Breitbart, Hannity? Why would anyone listen to people who appear on these shows? They all deny the January 6th insurrection. All lies!!!

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