education and schooling general freedom

Freedom Fighting Washougal-Style


Three young men at Washougal High School in Washington state are leading a common-​sense rebellion against mask mandates.

The evidence has been in for a while. Young people aren’t at much risk from COVID-​19. And masks with less than N95-​level filtering don’t much help in reducing the risk of being infected by COVID-19.

The form of the protest is simple. Walkouts and refusal to mask up. The leaders are Washougal High School seniors Cade Costales, Caleb Bennett, and Harrison Tanner.

They stress that the target of their protest is the state government, which imposed the mandate.

“It’s not the school district, as it is the state that is mandating masks,” Tanner says. “We are trying to get notice up to the state level to get the mask mandate revoked so it’s optional in schools. So we have freedom and liberty.”

Costales urges students to be respectful: “We want this to be a peaceful, respectful movement. We are just trying to gain back our rights as citizens. The teachers in the end are just doing their jobs. It doesn’t come from them. It comes from the state. . . .

“We’re doing this peacefully and respectfully. If a staff member asks you to put a mask on, you say ‘No, thank you’ and keep walking. And if they kick you out, then go home. If people need rides home, then I’m sure some of the seniors can start giving people rides home.”

Washington Gov. Jay Inslee says that the time is not yet right to take away indoor mask requirements. Just like Canada’s Justin Trudeau, it’s time he stopped talking and started listening.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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