term limits too much government

Checking Specter


Pennsylvania Senator Arlen Specter is an important man. How do I know this? 

A congressman told me.

While Specter is a Republican, his congressional booster happens to be a Democrat. Pennsylvania Congressman Robert Brady credits Specter with passage of Obama’s stimulus bill. 

“[T]his bill would not have passed,” says Brady, “if not for Arlen Specter,” who was one of three Republican senators to break ranks for the presidents’ bailout extravaganza. In case you were wondering, Brady clarified his enthusiasm for the so-​called “stimulus” package. “[E]very congressman is passing out checks, all over the country … because of a man named Arlen Specter.”

Clearly, Brady likes to pass out checks … as do most other congressmen.

But one former congressman doesn’t seem so fond of the program. Pat Toomey ran for Congress back in 1998 pledging to serve just three terms. He won, spent six years fighting wasteful, overbearing government, and then stepped down as promised.

Toomey, until very recently the president of the Club for Growth — a group dedicated to market growth, not growth of government — is likely to challenge Specter next year for his Senate seat.

The difference between Toomey and Specter? Toomey, being the challenger, may ask you to write a check to his campaign, while Specter, being the incumbent, will offer to give you a check … drawn on your account.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

7 replies on “Checking Specter”

I wonder why you don’t tell people what Specter is, a RINO (Republican In Name Only — a Jackass in a loose-​fitting elephant suit.)

I support this effort and am pleased that the new head of the Policy group is Chris Chicola, a very good formwer Congressman from Indiana. I know him.
Mr. Steele, the head of the RNC stated months ago that he would not be adverse to a primary fight in Pennsylvania. He hinted that money might not go to Mr. Specter, However, make your check out to Pat’s campaingn instead. Mr. Steele has pressures from many places. Go Pat!!!

Specter, McCain, and the Maine Twins are RINO senators that the Republican party can do with out. I will email Mr. Steele again about my objection of any RNC support for the above RINOs.

Now that Arlen has made his actual political affiliation official, many will want to decry him, his tactics, & his past.
The truth is, Arlen is not a Republican & probably never was. However, lest any think they have gained something, Arlen is also not a Democrat.
Arlen, is pure & simple, for Arlen. Whether his votes or speeches or actions does any one political party any good has nothing to do with his politics. Arlen is interested in the advancement of, Arlen.
All he has finally done is told Republicans officially, I am not a Republican.
If I were a Democrat, and I am not, I would be offended by his change in party affiliation. What he is telling Democrats is, I can’t win a Republican primary so I will try to win by being a Democrat. Because after all, what is really important in all of this is, that “I” get re-elected.
If you thought I cared about your party, I suggest you look at how I handled Republicans even after many of them went out on a limb to protect me.
I will vote for me & what advances me & those agenda items that I will benefit from either politically or, personally.
So now, Arlen has officially told Republicans he never was one of them. Now, Democrats will have to wonder if he is really one of them.
I say, he is not a moderate, but an opportunist looking out only for himself.

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