Common Sense

Bring It On


I don’t get too excited about either major political party. When the Democrats are in, I think, “Oh my goodness, the Democrats are in!” With the Republicans in, I think, “Oh my goodness, the Republicans are in!” When everything is nice and bipartisan, I think: “Oh my goodness, another pay raise!”

Speaking of partisan, Democrats view George Soros as an angel for sending millions of dollars to groups opposing President Bush. But they view Darrell Issa, who funded the recall of California Governor Gray Davis, as the devil. Republicans view it just the opposite. I like that these folks give politically and just wish I had their home phone numbers.

Republican Congressman Bob Ney is now threatening to subpoena groups opposing his policy positions and force them to appear before him so he can rake them over the coals. Welcome to the brave new world of McCain-​Feingold. I’ve been on the receiving end from career politicians of both parties during my several tours of congressional testimony duty. I knew why they wanted to know our donors.

So, like a gang of low-​rent dictators, they could hurt these men and women for opposing them politically. Congressman John Mica called for the IRS and the Federal Election Commission to investigate these groups, saying they are, “the greatest threat to the federal election process we have ever seen.” Anything that threatens “the federal election process” is a darn good thing. Let’s stop congressmen from regulating and harassing Americans who wish to speak their minds. This is America. Bring it on!

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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