
J. C. Lester


That individuals have no inherent obligation to do things for the benefit of others does not entail that they will be selfish or that they cannot bind themselves contractually, such as in marriage. On the contrary, it is the dependency state that has undermined the family by playing the husband’s role in ‘one-​parent families.’ The church and the state by their natures compete with the power of the family. In fact, the original aspirations of these institutions is typically to destroy family life if only they can. . . . The market, by comparison, will considerably reinforce the family if it is only allowed to do so.

J.C. Lester, Escape from Leviathan (2000), p. 146.

1 reply on “J. C. Lester”

Well Said. There is no question that Government in its effort to control any negative commentary has created a social monster under the guise of welfare.

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