Common Sense

Dictators Need Not Apply


In 1776, Thomas Paine galvanized public opinion for independence from Britain with his best-​selling pamphlet “Common Sense.” Paine wanted America to be a beacon of liberty to oppressed peoples around the world.

“Freedom hath been hunted round the globe,” wrote Paine. “O! receive the fugitive and prepare in time an asylum for mankind.” For millions, we have indeed been that asylum, that refuge. But today, some Americans seem to disdain that role.

Peter Angelos, owner of the Baltimore Orioles, is a glaring example. Over the past year, ever since his team played a two-​game series with the Cuban national team, he has refused to sign any player, regardless of talent, who defects from Castro’s workers’ paradise. Angelos, a million-​dollar donor to Democrats, thinks he’s assisting Clinton’s policy toward Cuba. The willingness of a prominent American like Angelos to kow-​tow to a tyrant is disturbing.

And isn’t this employment discrimination? Discrimination against those who risk life and limb for freedom. Once such courage was honored not punished. The policy should be that no dictators need apply. But for Angelos, it’s the victims who are turned away at the door. Let’s not go see the Orioles play in their taxpayer-​financed stadium, not until they cease to be the ally of dictators. It’ll be easy: they aren’t any good this year especially off the field.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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