Common Sense

Say a Little Prayer


We can argue about the nature of God from our different religious persuasions, but I’m certain we’ll agree He isn’t a member of either the Republican or Democratic Party.

Though politicians would probably argue the point.

Arguing is what the Washington crowd does best, after all. And, they’re at it again. The simplest decision in Congress, if it requires even the tiniest bit of cooperation between Democrats and Republicans, becomes the equivalent of the Paris Peace Talks.

Now the leadership of both parties are squabbling about who should be the new chaplain of the House of Representatives. Democrats want a Catholic priest and Republicans want a Protestant minister. As usual, the career politicians in Congress are acting like children.

If they can’t get along any better than this, they don’t deserve to have a chaplain at all. It’s bad enough that they sling mud, but now they want to drag people’s religious faith into the mud with them.

Enough is enough.

And pray tell what does this signal about their ability to solve any of the problems that we confront? If they can’t choose a chaplain without a partisan jihad, do you really expect them to work together to solve more complex problems? All their bloody fighting only demonstrates the critical need in Congress for new blood.

When he was the chaplain for the Senate, Edward Everett Hale was once asked, “Do you pray for the Senators, Dr. Hale?” “No,” he replied, “I look at the Senators and I pray for the country.”

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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