
Friedrich Nietzsche


“I regard it as necessary to progress that we withdraw from philosophy all governmental and academic recognition and support. . . . Let philosophers spring up naturally, deny them every prospect of appointment, tickle them no longer with salaries — yea, persecute them! Then you will see marvels! They will then flee afar and seek a roof anywhere. Here a parsonage will open its doors; there a schoolhouse. One will appear upon the staff of a newspaper, another will write manuals for young ladies’ schools. The most rational of them will put his hand to the plough and the vainest will seek favor at court. Thus we shall get rid of bad philosophers.”

Friedrich Nietzsche, “Schopenhauer als Erzieher,” as translated by H. L. Mencken, The Philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche (Third Edition, 1913), Chapter XII, Education.

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