general freedom local leaders

Charity T‑Tissue


As the year unrolls, maybe we should take some time to celebrate the little things in life that matter so much.

For reasons I am sure we can all understand, we don’t talk about toilet tissue much. But it is, nevertheless, one of the great products of our civilization.

Can you imagine living without it?

Well, for many poor people, and certainly for the vast throngs of unemployed in our ever-​lengthening depression, sometimes it’s hard to afford even a little nicety/​necessity like that.

Danny Westneat, writing in the Seattle Times, tells us of Leon Delong, who for the last 15 years has been collecting unused, “stub” rolls of toilet tissue from the janitors of the Evergreen City’s toniest skyscrapers, and giving them to food banks and pantries. For charity.

The ritzier places dare not risk a toilet roll running out. So the janitorial staff at these office buildings replace rolls every night. And were left with half-​used/​three-​quarters-​used tissue rolls.

Perfectly usable. But not suitable for those businesses that feared leaving any single restroom customer in an uncomfortably tissue-​less condition. First rule: Avoid panic-​inducing situations.

So, after retiring, Delong collected these stub rolls and made it his vocation to deliver them to the charities — where they went like “T‑bone steaks.”

He’s now retiring from this charitable work, for health reasons, but can take pride in his moniker, “The Toilet Paper Guy.”

Others plan to fill his role.

It goes to show: There are many opportunities out there to do good. Some quite unexpected.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

3 replies on “Charity T‑Tissue”

OT but in reference to your Sunday post on the SSA Collection agency. Unfortunatley it goes deeper. Many states have laws and the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled that a son had to pay his mother’s long term care bills “because he had the money”. I’m afraid this is the way Obamacare will be paid for:

http://​www​.marketwatch​.com/​s​t​o​r​y​/​y​o​u​-​c​o​u​l​d​-​b​e​-​l​i​a​b​l​e​-​f​o​r​-​y​o​u​r​-​p​a​r​e​n​t​s​-​l​o​n​g​-​t​e​r​m​-​c​a​re-2013 – 11-22?dist=countdown

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