Common Sense

Google as a Powerful Evil

“We’re like rats in a Skinner box,” says psychologist and researcher Robert Epstein. 

In “Electoral Fraud, Google-​Style” (April 25, 2022), Paul Jacob looked at Epstein’s work on how Google manipulates elections. Now, Google’s political bias has become obvious. That bias’s efficacy, however, requires some science to understand. In Michael Shellenberger’s recent podcast interview, Epstein explains how he has studied what Google does:

There is indeed some new information here. Epstein says that in 2022, had Google not engaged in its manipulations, the GOP would have gained a two-​seat majority, not lost by two seats.

The amount of power Google has is amazing. And simply by using the platform, we have given that power to the company.

Remember, as has become clear since — and something Epstein does not talk about — Google was seeded with Deep State money. It has never been an innocent partner.

Recent coverage of Google on Common Sense with Paul Jacob includes “Google’s Evil AI” and “Big-​Gov-​Google-​Plex” and “Google Can’t Have That.”

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