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Children’s Crusade Goes Forth

In 2015, a group of young people sued the federal government.

The government’s allegedly actionable dereliction was having “known for decades that carbon dioxide pollution was causing catastrophic climate change … and a nation-​wide transition away from fossil fuels was needed to protect plaintiff’s constitutional rights.”

The government “recklessly allowed” transport of fossil fuels, combustion of fossil fuels, etc.

I blame the lawyers more than the kids for the filing’s falsehoods and non sequiturs. Outlawing fossil fuels would be the actual catastrophe and actual reckless violation of individual and constitutional rights.

Climate variations are nothing new in the earth’s four-​billion-​year history. We should expect to see all the usual dry spells, hurricanes, and tornadoes that have buffeted human beings since we emerged as human beings. Fossil fuels help us to protect ourselves from these things.

Government cannot outlaw fossil fuels slowly or quickly without in effect putting a gun to the heads of everyone who wants to use a gas-​fueled car, bulldozer, or airplane and saying, “You have no right to take the actions required for your survival.”

Efforts by several states and the federal government to outlaw various uses of fossil fuels are what deserve lawsuits.

Judge Ann Aiken, who recently had a chance to end this litigation but is illogically allowing it to move forward, has one thing right: “Some may balk at the Court’s approach as errant or unmeasured.…”

I balk. It’s errant. And over the top.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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3 replies on “Children’s Crusade Goes Forth”

We see how muddled or disingenuous is the ruling in Judge Aiken’s choice of words: “Some may balk at the Court’s approach as errant or unmeasured, but more likely than not, future generations may look back to this hour and say that the judiciary failed to measure up at all.” 

She has written that it is probably possible that future generations will say that the judiciary failed to be sufficiently active. 

Probably possible.

Paul: I’ve always assumed over the years that you leaned Christian. But with this passage I’m forced to say no. Disappointed…sadder…but wiser.
“In the earth’s FOUR-​BILLION-​YEAR history. We should expect to see all the usual dry spells, hurricanes, and tornadoes that have buffeted human beings since we EMERGED as human beings.”

Children is right. Where are the adults in the courtroom? Not on the bench. Snow fell on both coasts over the weekend. Where do these ‘children’ live? Do they eat raw food, bathe in cold water? Let’s see them do without heat in the winter and electricity to power their smartphones. Cut off their utilities and see how they get by.

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