
Bricked Windows

On December 31, 1695, Englanders received a new tax, a window tax. One of the main responses to this was the bricking up of many British windows. 

This last day of the year in 1991 marked the complete cessation of all institutions of the Soviet Union.

New Year’s Eve 1992 saw the peaceful dissolution of Czechoslovakia into the Czech Republic and Slovakia. This has been dubbed the “Velvet Divorce.”

1 reply on “Bricked Windows”

Infamously, many advocates of state intervention failed to recognize the subsequent wide-​spread absence of windows as a result of state intervention; and, attributing this ill simply to the callous operations of a market system, called then for state intervention to remedy it, or call now for state intervention to prevent a recurrence of such ills. 

Folk-​wisdom more than genuine scholarship or scientific method drives the writing of history and the determination of social policy.

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