crime and punishment folly too much government

The California Experiment

California is determined to give us the full bleak picture of totalitarianism, American-style.

Anticipating proposed SEC regulations, Newsom’s California is set to impose nonsensical mandates for reporting greenhouse gas emissions and “climate-​related financial risk” that target companies with annual revenue of $1 billion or more (according to the terms of SB253) and $500 million or more (SB261).

Billion-​dollar businesses will have to report all direct and indirect emissions, including emissions produced throughout a business’s supply chain. Business travel. Employee commutes. Penalties for failure to report could be as high as $500,000.

The cost is in time, money, privacy, freedom, with no benefits except to bureaucrats and politicians who enjoy bossing us around and destroying our ability to function.

These requirements are tyrannical in the same way they’d be tyrannical if required of you and me as individuals. 

Do you know all about the emissions produced in delivering the water, electricity, electronics, gas, paper you use each month? 

Care to drop everything you’re doing to find out? 

And submit the data in a bureaucrat-​satisfying format?

We already know what the results of California’s experiment will be. We already know that crushing freedom and giving unfettered power to slave-​masters is not the road to wealth and happiness.

What we don’t know is exactly how far the Tarnished State’s aspiring totalitarians will go. But whatever the consequences, they’ll blame others … or just mutter “Good riddance, we didn’t want that prosperity and those evil businesses anyway.”

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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4 replies on “The California Experiment”

This madness id further compounded by the fact the federal government, woke universities and perhaps others already have estimates of these emissions. Will they have to report the CO2 emissions of each worker as well and perhaps pay a tax for them as well?
This is a prelude to either more taxes or controls, neither of which are presently tolerable in the Golden State.
I guess it will be an improvement when Cailfornia reverts to a minimal population and “natural” wilderness which is the long-​run, if unintended resullt of such foolishness.

“Billion-​dollar businesses will have to report all direct and indirect emissions, including emissions produced throughout a business’s supply chain.’

In this era of globalization, how is this even possible, let alone legal?
How does California get to regulate a multinational corporation? Is India or Indonesia required to inform Sacramento about their manufacturing output? Global supply chains mean global monitoring. Our leaders, including those in CA, wanted one world economy.

Target is closing several stores in California. Hard to operate a business in the libprog utopia.
Also closing stores in Washington state and Oregon.
Focusing on profitability is so hateful.

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