Accountability national politics & policies

Look Who Took a Mile

Sometimes our dear leaders confess their lies just to prove to everybody how smart they are as grand strategists.

“Look at us! We out-​manipulated, outfoxed everybody with our gloriously sophisticated strategy. Yes, we lied and provided political cover in order destroy the ability of so many people to walk around and make a living. This was the plan from the start. But we couldn’t say so.…”

In her memoir Silent Invasion, Deborah Birx, former CDC official and former Coronavirus Response Coordinator, clearly explains her give-us-an-inch/we’ll-take-a-mile method. “No sooner had we convinced the Trump Administration to implement our version of a two-​week shutdown than I was trying to figure out how to extend it. Fifteen Days to Slow the Spread was a start, but I knew it would be just that.”

And: “The White House would ‘encourage,’ but the states could ‘recommend’ or, if needed, ‘mandate.’… The fact that the guidelines would be coming from a Republican White House gave political cover to any Republican governors skeptical of federal overreach.”

And: “Getting buy-​in on the simple mitigation measures every American could take was just the first step leading to longer and more aggressive interventions. We had to [avoid the] appearance of a full Italian lockdown. [But we had to match] as closely as possible what Italy had done — a tall order.”


I disagree with those who say that Brix et al. should be tarred and feathered. But let’s not put them in charge of any future pandemics.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

PDF for printing

Illustration created with Midjourney and DALL-E2

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(simplified and organized)

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4 replies on “Look Who Took a Mile”

Birx and Fauci and company should lose their jobs and their pensions and be charged with treason.
As for future pandemics, I won’t believe anything I hear from government or from its lackeys in the media. Trust has been broken. It cannot be restored for many decades.

Brix is the ultimate revolutionary elitist. Her prescription of limiting information and intentional fraud for her definition of the common good is actually an attempted excuse for her desire to terminate self-​governance, individual responsibility and the ability of the electorate to make informed decisions. She, and many for her compatriots in the “public service” are actually deluded authoritarians.
That she would be so brazen as to publish a book seeking praise for her fraud the best example of why the United States is in decline. The administrative state believes it knows more and must control the electorate it was to serve, even by direct deception should they deem such as necessary. That is a violation of the oath of office and even more offensive to me than the majority of the actions of January 6.
There will be no repercussions and Brix will be a hero of the popular press. As the Department of Judgment is infected with the same elitist pride and willing to accept and encourage such behavior for itself (and other agencies) when it deems such better the “common good” the Rule of Law will not prevail, and the wrong lesson will be learned.
Is there any wonder why confidence in this government is waining?

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