insider corruption media and media people national politics & policies

Big Guy, Little Guy

“Prosecutors are nearing a decision on whether to charge President Biden’s son Hunter with tax- and gun-​related violations,” The Washington Post reports

Last October, the paper disclosed that, after a four-​year investigation, federal agents had “gathered what they believe is sufficient evidence to charge him.”

Hunter Biden’s failure to honestly fill out the federal gun-​purchase form, a felony, is punishable by up to ten years in prison. Poetically, that federal law, and penalty, was authored years ago by a certain U.S. senator from Delaware, his old man, Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr.

The tax charges stem from Hunter’s massively lucrative business dealings with corrupt Ukrainian and state-​connected Chinese companies — jobs for which Hunter seems to understand his main qualification was proximity to his pop, at that time Vice President of these United States, whom oligarchs and genocidal totalitarians desired to influence.

Both President Biden and his son Hunter deny they ever “discussed” Hunter’s business. But that explanation doesn’t fit even the rose-​colored glasses vision of Joe Biden, family man. Plus, it is clearly and repeatedly contradicted by evidence of meetings and favors — and Hunter’s international trips on Air Force Two.

Hunter has complained bitterly about how much money he had to kickback to his father and in one deal records show Hunter asking specifically for 10 percent of proceeds to be held for “the Big Guy,” whom others have identified as his father.

Further, we have long known that Hunter has paid phone bills, house renovations and other expenses for his dad, without scaring up much interest amongst news outlets.

Now, two new whistleblowers emerge: 

  • The first, an IRS employee, tells House Republicans that the Department of Justice is engaging in “preferential treatment and politics” to block Hunter’s prosecution. 
  • The second whistleblower points to a document in the FBI’s possession alleging “a criminal scheme” where then-​Veep Biden traded policy for payola from a foreign national. 

I would certainly like to hear more.

On Fox News Sunday, Juan Williams decried Republicans for “going after a relative and a child.”

Hunter is 53 years old. And this isn’t about young Hunter, but “the Big Guy.”

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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3 replies on “Big Guy, Little Guy”

I stopped watching Fox News Sunday months before the 2020 election. I’ve never regretted that decision. Thanks for this.

Does anyone really think anything will come of this?
Will Garland keep things from happening?
Are these rhetorical questions?

What would be the consequences for those in the Department of Justice in aggressively prosecuting Hunter Biden? in failing to do so? 

We live in a time of tribalism and in which the major tribes are led by sociopaths. The mainstream media will provide cover for nearly anything done by one tribe; the principal alternative media will provide cover for most things done by the other tribe. The ordinary members of each tribe attend only to reports from the media aligned with their own tribe, and are only exposed to reports from the other tribe exactly when filtered through the media of their own tribe. 

Most Americans outside the two major tribes are simply to terrified by glimpses of the truth to face that truth head-​on. Those who face the truth head-​on seem too few in number to do much if anything. 

If the prosecutors press forward at all, then we may expect a deliberately weak prosecution, designed to result in an acquittal before the 2024 General Election. The left will claim vindication, the right will express impotent fury, and most other Americans will try not to think about it.

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