folly ideological culture media and media people

Mr. Vehement


He’s vehement — vehement with the force of 600,000 Hiroshima-​class atomic bombs exploding each and every day. 

Because he cares. 

He really does. 

He really cares about putting the days of Wooden Al Gore behind him and ushering in Apoplectic Foaming-​at-​the-​Mouth-​While-​Bleeding-​From-​Every-​Pore Al Gore.

It’s just unfortunate though that whilst ratiocinating at Davos, Mr. Gore destroyed the atmosphere and disarranged the solar system, further accelerating global warming and cooling.

If you’re wondering whether I am now just making stuff up, thank you for noticing; yes: I learned it from the best. But I’m sincere. Okay? I’m emoting very hard right now, for which I fully expect to receive social-​credit points that I can tape to my COVID-​19 passport and wave at the grocery-​store clerk as I pay a thousand dollars for a half-​dozen eggs.

If only vehemence were facts and cogency, Al Gore would be the most empirical, most logical man alive. As it is, a billion flabbergasted refugees have fled before the force of his rhetoric.

If you don’t believe that Gore not whispered but roared, nay, expectorated, the following, etc., at Davos about how the (man-​made) greenhouse effect is trapping “as much extra heat as would be released by 600,000 Hiroshima-​class atomic bombs exploding every single day on the earth!! That’s what’s boiling the oceans, creating these atmospheric rivers, and the rain bombs, and sucking the moisture out of the land, and … and … and —”

… then I refer you to the videotape. Roll it, Hal.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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Illustration created with Midjourney and DALL-E2

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6 replies on “Mr. Vehement”

EVERYTIME his face comes on the tube he literally seem to be foaming from the mouth„ releasing more green house games than a volcano..

I really doubt he can even spell the word science. His knowledge of science is minimal. algore’s knowledge ranks up there with bill nye, the science guy. Brian Sussman from San Francisco has challenged algore to a debate on the climate and has been waiting for years for a reply.

Rather than fighting with a potentially hostile imbiber, who might get hostile, the smart enforcer would pretend to befriend them and feign a great, important emergency that required their immediate presence. The enforcer would then pretend to assist and help them, grabbing a shoulder for support, and the grabbing the belt as well to hoist up and over-​balance them, while propelling them in the general direction of the emergency. Which ultimately culminated in crashing through the exit door and headfirst into the dirt of mud of the street.
The difference in this and the bum’s rush of yore is that he generally lightens your pocket at the same time.

Since the WEF and YouTube each have a history of making inconvenient content vanish, saving a copy locally and at sites such as BitChute and Rumble is advised. 

As to Mr Gore, on 26 January 2006, he declared that the point-​of-​no-​return would be reached in a decade if radical action were not taken. If he was right, then the ostensible motivation for his total-itarian project was lost slightly more than seven years ago.

As long as we have an income tax the enemies of freedom will be in control of everything and everyone. Karl Marx said so himself when he wrote the 2nd plank to the communist manifesto.

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