international affairs media and media people

The Man the Media Missed

Searching for the world’s most compromised scientist? Look past über-​bureaucrat Anthony Fauci. Get a load of Peter Daszak of EcoHealth Alliance. He’s in the thick of it.

The “it” being the lies peddled by China’s totalitarian state, the World Health Organization (WHO), important parts of the government-​funded American science establishment and — last but not least! — the vast majority of U.S. media. 

The Lancet printed and the media reported the infamous open letter from scientists declaring a lab-​leak origin of the virus to be unlikely, either without saying or without knowing that the scientist leading the effort to gather the 27 scientists’ signatures was the bag-​man taking U.S. taxpayer money and re-​gifting it to the actual Wuhan lab in question

Yes, Dr. Peter Daszak.

The good doctor also managed to secure a spot on the WHO’s much-​ballyhooed on-​site China probe — as the sole American investigator — to look (fecklessly) for COVID’s origin. Still, Daszak and company enthusiastically declared a lab-​leak “unlikely,” which the media mindlessly echoed … until even the WHO’s director-​general backed away from it.

The problem is not confined merely to one or two rogue papers or cable channels: it’s also endemic to social media. Facebook, which blocked coverage and silenced those of us trying to speak and learn about the origin of COVID-​19, turns out to have actually used — you guessed it! — Daszak as its go-​to expert to advise them on what info to block.

How did our news hounds miss this trifecta?

Even now — after Dr. Fauci and others agree we need an investigation into the origins of the CCP virus, and as several major articles present additional evidence that the virus may have come from Wuhan gain-​of-​function “research” — the news-​media response to its own obvious failures is to continue to blame … Trump.

The idea seems to be that the Sheer Awfulness of Trump somehow provides valid excuse to ignore China’s horrible behavior around the origin of COVID — silencing doctors, destroying important evidence and lying to the world — enabling its subsequent spread to pandemic level. 

Is this really all the result of mere incompetence?

If you believe that, I’ve a wet market to sell you.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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3 replies on “The Man the Media Missed”

Fauci and Daszak, and a whole cadre of others, are guilty of crimes against humanity. I think you can add treason to that.
The penalty for treason is death, usually by hanging.

“The ‘it’ being the lies peddled by China’s totalitarian state”

Nowhere in the piece are any of these alleged lies specified.

Not that I don’t suspect the Chinese regime of lying, most especially about case numbers and deaths, but I’d be interested in what the alleged lies are concerning the origin of the human-​infectious version of the virus.

At the moment, I’m sticking with Occam’s Razor. The idea COVID-​19 is something we’ve seen bazillions of times (zoonotic diseases jumping to humans) requires fewer adventurous assumptions than the idea that it’s something we’ve seldom if ever seen (a zoonotic virus weaponized then accidentally or intentionally released).

But if there’s evidence going the other way, I’d be interested in what that evidence might be.

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