ideological culture media and media people

A Little Maher Common Sense


I’m not the biggest fan of Democrat comedian-​pundit Bill Maher. But when he’s right, he’s right.

Mr. Maher once said the sun rises in the east. I concur. He also says that Democrats shouldn’t be so off-​puttingly wackadoodle and tyrannical. Correct.

According to Maher, “Democrats are the party of every hypersensitive, social justice warrior, woke bulls — t. The party that disappears people or tries to make them apologize for ridiculous things. [Democrats] think silence is violence, and looting is not. [And we’re the party of] replacing ‘Let’s not see color’ with ‘Let’s see it always and everywhere.’”

In his indictment, the HBO jester argues “the crux of the problem” is that “Democrats too often don’t come across as having common sense to a huge swath of people.” 

Right again!

“It would be so easy to win elections,” he deduces, “if we would just drop this s**t!”

Maher notes a New York Times post-​election report that congressional “Democrats wept, cursed and traded blame” over the election results on a recent conference call. Rep. James Clyburn (D‑SC) warned that “we’re not going to win” in Georgia if Democrats are talking “Medicare for all or defunding police or socialized medicine.”

“Democratic rhetoric needs to be dialed back,” Maher quotes Rep. Connor Lamb (D‑Pa.). “It needs to be rooted in common sense.”

“I feel like I’m being asked to be quiet,” responded squad-​member Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D‑Mich.). 

Tlaib is half right. The solution to this problem for Democrats is to abandon their anti-​common-​sense positions. Not to hide them. 

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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1 reply on “A Little Maher Common Sense”

Rep. James Clyburn (D‑SC) warned that “we’re not going to win” in Georgia if Democrats are talking “Medicare for all or defunding police or socialized medicine.”

In other words, if they are upfront about their goals, they might lose. Best to deny, deny, deny until the election is over and they can fundamentally transform the country. Bill Clinton and Barack Obama showed them the way.

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