media and media people

Wrong Field for You


“If you’re an emotionally unstable baby who regards disagreement as ‘violence,’” tweeted “roving journalist” Michael Tracey, “journalism is probably the wrong field for you.”

Only half-​right. Given their goals, filling jobs that would otherwise be filled by journalists is indeed the right thing for hysterico-​new-​new-​Left activists — just as bank-​tellering is right for inside men helping bank robbers rob banks.

Tracey is commenting on how New York Times “journalists” — and others — apoplexed over the Times’ sin of permitting unqualified disapproval of mass rioting to grace its editorial pages. In his June Third op-​ed, U.S. Senator Tom Cotton argued that the rioters, “if not subdued, not only will destroy the livelihoods of law-​abiding citizens but will also take more innocent lives.” He recommended invoking the Insurrection Act in order to deploy the military.

One can argue about whether invoking the Act would be a good idea. 

Or one could, even in the Times … if one weren’t thereby invading the “safe space” of pseudo-​journalists who had supposed that they need never face the hazards of fundamental debate within its pages.

An abject but vague apology now prefaces the op-ed. 

The Times has also fired the editor who let it be published. 

After all, by the time it reached print, Cotton’s piece did continue to contain evaluations with which someone might disagree.

This is a new low for the Times, which continues its downward spiral. The rest of us, I trust, will escape that vortex, resisting the great flush down to the sewer at civilization’s end.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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2 replies on “Wrong Field for You”

I hope we can escape the vortex but that hope grows dimmer with each passing day. Censorship on social media makes me avoid using it. When even ‘the paper of record’ can’t abide opposing viewpoints, how long will our Constitutional Republic survive?

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