general freedom international affairs moral hazard

WHO’s Daddy


China and its lapdog, the World Health Organization (WHO), face increasing global anger over having initially hid the person-​to-​person spread of coronavirus, which has killed a staggering 126,000 people worldwide. So far.

Still unrepentant, Beijing and the WHO have continued to butcher the truth — even in petty ways. 

Late last month, a Hong Kong reporter asked a WHO official to comment on how successfully Taiwan had responded to the pandemic. The official pretended he couldn’t hear the question. Then, when the reporter offered to repeat it, he insisted they move on. 

WHO could provide such a cocktail of cowardice and disingenuousness?


Of course, the last refuge of such scoundrels is to hurl utterly bogus allegations — to play the victim and change the subject. Enter WHO Director-​General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, who last week made the ridiculous and completely unsubstantiated charge that the Taiwanese government was instigating racist attacks against him on social media. 

Discriminated against by the United Nations and WHO for years, upon China’s insistence, the Taiwanese reacted on social media with their usual grace, sense of humor and a smart promotion of their island’s great food and beautiful scenery, using the hashtag: #ThisAttackComesFromTaiwan. 

As explained yesterday, Taiwan is a friend. China and the WHO? Not on your life.

That’s why Americans of all political persuasions (and so many others across the globe) cheered President Trump’s announcement yesterday that the U.S., the largest donor to the World Health Organization, would suspend its financial support.

“So much death has been caused by their mistakes,” Mr. Trump said.

Sadly, I fear Trump is wrong about one small part: “mistakes” seems far too generous a word for what WHO and its dastardly daddy, China, have done.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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