“I promise you, if I’m elected president,” Democratic Party frontrunner Joe Biden told an Iowa audience, “you’re going to see the single most important thing that changes America, we’re gonna cure cancer.”
It’s the sort of claim that makes snake-oil salesmen blush.
“That is a very, very bold campaign promise to be making,” offered CNN’s Kate Bolduan incredulously.
“Bold” wasn’t the term that came to my mind, but another word beginning with the letter‑B.
“We have to remember he is a subject matter expert in that area,” responded Rep. Cedric Richmond (D‑La.), a co-chairman of Biden’s presidential campaign.
This is the expertise for which Washington is so famous. Surprising that more hospitals don’t have a career politician on call, eh?
Nobody questions the former Vice-President’s support for the cause of eradicating cancer, of course; Biden lost his son to the disease in 2015. We must, however, question the veracity of what comes out of his mouth.
Biden’s fib or fantasy — or whatever you call it — reminds me of former Congressman George Nethercutt (R‑Wash.). In 1994, he defeated then-Speaker of the House Tom Foley by pledging to serve no more than the three terms that Evergreen State voters enacted via a term limits ballot initiative.
“Thousands of people have urged me to run again,” explained Nethercutt, seeking a fourth term years later. “They believe in the work I’m doing to cut taxes, to open foreign markets for our farmers, and to help find cures for diseases like diabetes and cancer.”
Today, defending candidate Biden, Rep. Richmond defines credulity. “If he believes we can do it, I believe him.”
There may be a sucker born every minute … but it ain’t me.
This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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2 replies on “Dr. Biden, B.S.”
If Biden were the caring man that he pretends to be, he’d scrap his presidential ambitions and work to bring this about this result immediately.
He has been in government since 1972 when he was elected Senator. (He previously did a 2 year stint as County Council Member in Delaware.) In 47 years he has not contributed much of anything to humanity. I would think with all that influence and connections, he should be able to devote what’s left of his life to solving the Cancer nightmare that plagues so many.
I was kind of hoping for flying cars.