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“The Good Kind of Socialism”


Don’t worry…

Bernie only wants “the good kind of socialism.”

Click here for a high resolution version of this image:

Bernie Sanders, The good kind of socialism, presidential race, progressivism, progressive, socialist, education, meme, cartoon, illustration, Jim Gill, Paul Jacob, Common Sense


2 replies on ““The Good Kind of Socialism””

People like you shouldn’t be able to vote, you imbecile! Bernie Sanders is a democratic socialist! Communism and distribution of wealth is only when it is communist socialism or national socialism! National Socialism is when all the power goes to the government (Hint: National) and democratic (Hint:Democratic) socialism is where all the power goes to the people, instead of to the corporations. While stupid people like you are calling hi undemocratic, he is really more democratic than you can wrap your mind around! You know who else is a democratic socialist? Martin Luther King! But then again, people like you are probably missing the days of segregation! 

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