
Video: Repeat the Failures of Somalia?


Not all talks need visual aids or a declamatory style. Here a scholar calmly looks at Somalia and sees repeated failure and cluelessness … on the part of our government, especially. 

And now our foreign policy geniuses want to export from Somalia the very same policies that worked so poorly there!

CAUTION: The speaker here appeals to the facts and to reason. There is none of that excitement of the denunciatory spirit, so common on YouTube. No cheap thrills. This is for reasonable people.

1 reply on “Video: Repeat the Failures of Somalia?”

Bronwyn Bruton.  Remember that name. 

I noticed at the end, she said direct US military action to achieve the goals would have been “better,” but she did not affirm or disavow the idea of the USA having “the goals” needing achieved.

Somalia is a miserable and poor place, but I know several very intelligent and hard-​working Somalis here who escaped, not to mention Hirsi Ali.  It is a puzzle perhaps why they remain poor over there.

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