
Video: #StandByAhmed


A trifecta:


No Hugs at School

American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten on Zero Tolerance

The War on Kids (Full Documentary)

2 replies on “Video: #StandByAhmed”

Ahmed had an old Micronta clock that was made by Radio clock that was likely purchased on Ebay. No making. Just taking the guts out and putting them into a plastic pencil box. Science teacher couldn’t tell what it was. Wouldn’t be the first time that an adult had given a child a homemade bomb and let them run with it. Actually didn’t look that much different from a lot of the pictures of IEDs on the internet. 

No connection to the multiple publicity-​grabbing, political stunts to grab attention re: Islam that his father had made in the past. Of course, no way for the science teacher to know that context. And of course, there’s also the false flag possibility, if one adheres to the idea that the White House generates artificial events to draw attention from the things that they are energetically doing behind all the headlines. But that’s just paranoid.

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