
Video: Saving a Bear


According to the citizens on this video, and scuttlebutt on the Net, government game officials wouldn’t do anything because the bear wasn’t harming anyone. Low-​quality video of a high-​quality, heroic rescue:


So why did this job devolve to regular folks? Why did not the government do its job?

Perhaps Herbert Spencer explained it best:

Unlike private enterprise which quickly modifies its actions to meet emergencies — unlike the shopkeeper who promptly finds the wherewith to satisfy a sudden demand — unlike the railway company which doubles its trains to carry a special influx of passengers; the law-​made instrumentality lumbers on under all varieties of circumstances at its habitual rate. By its very nature it is fitted only for average requirements, and inevitably fails under unusual requirements.

The state can only take care of the bare necessities. Not, in this case, the necessities of a bear.

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