This weekend at, the problems of relevance that the Republican Party faces, especially vis-à-vis the libertarian wing. Click on over, then come back here:
- “Has the ‘Libertarian Moment’ Finally Arrived?” by Robert Draper, New York Times, August 7, 2014
- Red Eye, Fox News website, starring Greg Gutfeld, Joann Nosuchinsky, and Andy Levy (Levy’s bio has not been adequately updated)
- Socialism: An Economic and Sociological Analysis, by Ludwig von Mises (one of his most famous books)
- A Tiger by the Tail, by F.A. Hayek (a collection of Hayek’s anti-Keynesian writings)
1 reply on “Townhall: Time for a Rethink”
what it’s gonna take is somebody with more charisma. ron & rand paul rank about a 4 on the charisma scale. they’ve done the work, kept the message out there and have done their best but they just don’t have what it takes to deliver the message in a powerful way.
and it’s too easy to play keynesian politician when you can print money and buy votes with stupid programs. and you’re right, the repub party has a problem. i watched lindsey graham and several has-been generals on tv today and literally wanted to throw something at the warmongering sobs.