
Townhall: Hoodwinked Voters, Empowered Politicians


On Townhall​.com, the honor of politicians is called into question — by their very own action. Specifics? We’ve got specifics! Judgment? That’s up to you, this time.

(But you know on whose side Paul Jacob serves.)

Relevant references for the column:

1 reply on “Townhall: Hoodwinked Voters, Empowered Politicians”

Good luck it making something happen with all these word puzzle initiatives. While you’re at it, can you do something about all the off election cycle elections where they vote in all their pet projects because most people only go to the polls in major elections? The pols vote in all their crap stuff while we’re at work because they know nobody shows up but the unions, politicians, bureaucrats, etc. 

WHy not Sunday elections like in lots of other places? Oh, i guess that would mean EVERYBODY might just show up, right?

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