
Townhall: It’s not about drones


The key issue of last week’s great Rand Paul filibuster was not drone technology, as such, but whether those who run the government will accept the rules of the Constitution. That’s the message from Yours Truly this week on Townhall. Read the column, then come back here for some more links to further facts and opinion.

4 replies on “Townhall: It’s not about drones”

The question truly is, “will those who run the government accept the rules of the Constitution?” They might ought to consider that it is best to do so or they might start a storm they will no be able to calm.

The question truly is, “will those who run the government accept the rules of the Constitution?” They might ought to consider that it is best to do so or they might start a storm they will not be able to calm.

I do not disagree with anything you have written, and it has been well written. Question: Would we be as much concerned were it not for this particular President and his acolytes, whose mission of eternal ideological domination is paramount ? Despotic rule in the making ? At 84 years of age, I have observed much and fear the enemy within far more than the enemy without. The Constitution is the only thing that has saved us thus far.

Regardless of anything spoken by anyone on the side of this Administration,their ACTIONS have spoken volumes. They’ve shown themselves to be unlawful,unscrupulous,lying,reprehensible excuses for representatives. Their actions are PROOF their intent is to destroy America. We can’t even write it off as “Incompetency”,as NOBODY could accidentally be so consistently WRONG in doing the right things for this Country. Unfortunately,their behavior,as anti-​American as the results may be,would be hard to prove as TREASONOUS in a Court. Widespread use of NULLIFICATION would be a very useful option. We must learn the intricacies of it and use it to STOP this Administration from attaining their desired results-​USA becoming part of the NWO,under control of the UN.
Mike Price;
I think the storm has been brewing since 2008,and the worst is about to hit landfall. Keep your ammo dry.

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