national politics & policies responsibility

A Loan of Common Sense


If you give something that belongs to you, without expecting to get it back, that’s giving. You just hand over a gift and forget about it. Perhaps you would appreciate a “thank you.”

If you lend to someone, you expect to be repaid. Those who don’t repay are called deadbeats.

If you mug somebody on the street and grab his wallet, you are stealing. You are then a thief, a robber.

That’s all straightforward enough. This is not: Say that you steal from the productive citizens of one country or countries (Country or Countries A) and give the dough to the fiscally irresponsible government of another country (Country B), and you call it a loan. But when Country B can’t pay the installments, it is provided another loan originating in the wallets of the very same Country A citizens from whom was extracted the original loan.

What is this? You are not only stealing, you are shuffling IOUs instead of getting repaid. You are also misrepresenting the nature of the transactions, for it is clearly a gift of stolen money and not anything voluntary, like a loan.

Bill Wilson, President of Americans for Limited Government, goes into a bit more of the nitty and gritty of Greece’s tricky tranche of “repayment” on its “loan” from the European Union, and relates it to the similar finagling here in the United States … which all rests on credit expansion by the Federal Reserve. “The eggheads in Washington, D.C.,” he says, offer only one solution: “just keep digging.”

But how deep? At some point it gets too hot down there.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

7 replies on “A Loan of Common Sense”

If that was all that was going on, it would be bad, but it would be done and we would be able to adjust and work on recovering.

But that is not all. He is going in to our pockets and then giving away the money to failing donor companies and the donors, to union bosses, and to folks who have not been productive for generations and for whom the incentive to become productive he has just removed.

No, the horrible part is that he has also gone and borrowed money from foreign countries like China and then given THAT away as well, like the $480,000,000 to Kenya. Kenya that is using the money to support sharia law and that cannot figure out what to spend the money on as fast as it comes in. Kenya that votes against us in the UN.
And then, when the IOU that he has committed us for has not even come due, he rubs our faces in it by calling it “investing”.

Fascissocialism — or, as it’s called in our beloved fraternal republic, “social ‘security’ ” and “medicare” and “Democratic” potty “government” — stuff like that — is a Ponzi Scheme. 

And Bernard Lawrence “Bernie” Madoff is a piker! :. B)

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