individual achievement

Watch Susan Boyle


I dislike “reality” TV shows, including American Idol and others that seem to specialize in degrading people.

But I have cast my aversion aside after being urged to watch a YouTube clip of one Susan Boyle, a 47-​year-​old, unemployed Scot and aspiring singer.

What a performance. What a story! If you’re not on the bandwagon yet, hop on. Go to YouTube, search for “Susan Boyle,” watch the seven minute clip of her appearance on Britain’s Got Talent, the clip that snagged over 50 million hits in just a few weeks.

When Susan walked on stage, the three judges of Britain’s Got Talent — including sardonic Simon Cowell of American Idol fame — were not impressed. The audience tittered when she said she was “trying to be a professional singer.”

Susan was nervous at first, awkward, a bit silly, a bit dowdy-​looking. Apparently everyone thought she’d be hooted off the stage after five seconds of song.

Nope. Within maybe three seconds, her rendition of “I Dreamed the Dream” from Les Miserables turned it all around. The audience was on its feet. Shocked. Ecstatic.

Susan Boyle was shocked too. She has been struggling for decades. For whatever reasons, her dreams had “turned to shame,” to quote from the song. But now, whether or not she wins top prize on Britain’s Got Talent, she’ll not only dream the dream, she will live it.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

6 replies on “Watch Susan Boyle”

[…] News Sources wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerptI dislike “reality” TV shows, including American Idol and others that seem to specialize in degrading people. But I have cast my aversion aside after being urged to watch a YouTube clip of one Susan Boyle, a 47-​year-​old, unemployed Scot and aspiring singer. What a performance. What a story! If you’re not on the bandwagon yet, hop on. Go to YouTube , search for “Susan Boyle,” watch the seven minute clip of her appearance on Britain’s Got Talent, the clip that snagged over 50 millio […]

I do not watch the reality shows, either, since enough reality goes on with keeping up with the conservative articles and talk shows to stay abreast of the liberal shenanigans.

But, I did see the news clips of Susan Boyle and was very impressed with her voice. May she win the title!

I could not agree more. She is a sensation and although I am a 76 year old man That lady and her singing brought tears to my eyes.
(I will deny this if it should leak out)

I was just as stunned as everyone by her incredibly wonderful performance. I cried because it was so lovely to see a “little” person win over the cynics of the world. She has shown the wonderful potential, and realized it, just as we all have in some way or another. It’s sad that so many of us have a song that hasn’t been played…

So refreshing NOT see/​hear a silicone stuffed, squalling, girating, unintelligable, multi-​haired individual,sing a song that you can really understand and appreciate.

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