ballot access initiative, referendum, and recall insider corruption

A Rose Blooms in Michigan


Rose Bogeart reminds me of my mother. Both are from Michigan. Rose is the president of the Wayne County Taxpayers Association. Mom hails from Jackson. Both love their Detroit Tigers, hate tax increases.

Rose led this year’s charge to recall Michigan House Speaker Andy Dillon. I’ve talked before about the tax hike state legislators imposed against the clear wishes of Michigan citizens. I’ve also exposed the establishment’s incredible intimidation campaign to block Rose’s recall drive.

This harassment included bad actions by state employees working for Dillon and even some police groups. Despite this, Rose and company collected nearly twice the number of voter signatures needed.

In June, Michigan Secretary of State Terri Lynn Land ruled that the petition lacked the requisite signatures, after she had opted to enforce restrictions already ruled unconstitutional in very clear U.S. Supreme Court decisions, throwing out a huge batch of signatures. Then, the Michigan courts refused to give Rose and Redford Township recall advocates any relief.

So, Rose went to federal court, where a judge quickly granted an injunction requiring Secretary of State Land to count the disputed signatures.

Now, against every sling and arrow imaginable, Speaker Dillon’s recall will be on the November ballot.

For the first time ever, a state’s House speaker may be removed by popular vote.

Rose, I thank you; history thanks you; my mother thanks you.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

4 replies on “A Rose Blooms in Michigan”

This is great. More importantly, it underlines exactly what the citizens must do to take the country back. If government was a business and had to behave as such, this would be the time for an interim CEO to come in and trim down the company. By cutting out all the fat and inefficient departments and bureaucracies, the result would be a lean and efficient organization. Unfortunately, government doesn’t work this way — it only knows how to grow. More now than ever, citizens must take a hands on approach to our elected officials and remind them who they work for!

Bryan Nielsen.

It just goes to show what snake pits our state and federal capitols have become, striking back at their constituents attempts to bring accountability back into politics. I too laud Mrs. Bogeart on her conviction and determination to see through what is right.

I applaud the lady. I applaud any action that takes politicians to task. Based on the Washington financial fiasco & based on efforts by some politicians to block taxpayer involvement, its time we the people really do take back our country & government.
We have given too much power to politicians & they have taken it away from us in small incremental measures & now they feel they are entitled to tell us what to do & if we do not, they feel they should be allowed to force us to obey!
Its time to end all this government push. Its the people who count, NOT the government.
I am loyal to my country, NOT my government!

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