Common Sense

Getting Rid of the Fat


Obesity is a problem. Doctors warn about the ill effects of carrying too much flab. The Washington Post is running a front-​page series about overweight children.

Good. Knowledge is power, even when it comes to diet and exercise.

But by the second paragraph of the May 19 story we’re told of an additional problem. It is, and I quote, “inadequate direction and dollars at the federal level.”

My first thought? We’ve finally found it! The one thing the federal government isn’t spending too much money on.

European governments spend more dough than ours hectoring people on health. Britain has restricted food ads aimed at kids. But, frankly, I don’t find European nannyism very appealing. I bet one can lose weight without losing freedom. Or a whole lot of money.

My second thought? Losing weight shouldn’t cost us, well, anything. I know for me, when the pounds start to pile up, no one charges me a nickel to leave the house for an evening jog. Running is absolutely free.

Maybe our federal government should stick to its own outrageous fat problem. Our weight problems pale in comparison to all the bloated, wasteful globs of fatty pork thrown around by politicians.

Why not start the government diet by saving the taxpayers the costly, preachy public education campaign? Besides, what American would even listen to the over-​stuffed federal government commanding, “trim down”?

Doctor, trim thyself.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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