Common Sense

Core Value for All


The proliferation of eminent domain abuse is depressing.

Fake reforms of eminent domain promoted by fans of that abuse are also depressing.

We the people demand positive news on this front. Which I guess means … we’ve got to make that news ourselves. As being done in California.

Californians for Property Rights Protection recently submitted more than one million signatures to qualify the California Property Owners and Farmland Protection Act for the June 2008 ballot.

The YesOnPropertyRights​.com web site tells us: “Property rights are a fundamental, core value for all.” But, alas, government currently has the power “to take private property — our homes, family farms, mom-​and-​pop small businesses — to build a sports stadium, big-​box chain store, or a hotel. Politically connected special interests use and abuse government’s power of eminent domain to take and develop private property.”

According to Jon Coupal of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayer Association, the ballot measure would explicitly protect “all California property owners. Never again will government use eminent domain to destroy a person’s home and livelihood.”

Here’s a sample provision of the measure: “State and local governments may not use their power to take or damage property for the benefit of any private person or entity.”

YesOnPropertyRights​.com has the text of the Protection Act. Take a look. Especially if you live in California.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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