Common Sense

Give Me a Break, Marty!


You aren’t holding your breath for career politicians in Washington to clean up the election process, are you?

Our democratic election system desperately needs to open up to new people and new ideas. But frankly, politicians aren’t too keen on letting others compete for their jobs. Incumbents have too many election advantages. So many that few credible challengers are willing to even consider running. We hear a lot of talk about campaign finance reform, but will career incumbents really make it easier for challengers to beat them at the polls? Again, don’t hold your breath.

Meehan campaigned for office as a reformer, promising to step down after four terms in office. He even wrote to the clerk of the House asking not to be listed on the roll of congressmen after 2000. Now he says he’s grown in office. So Meehan’s breaking his word to the voters and staying in Washington as a career politician. If Meehan can get away with it, it will only be thanks to the advantages he has as an incumbent.

Marty the Hypocrite now has a plan to reform campaign finance. For the first time, it would let Congress regulate what private citizens can say about our congressmen. And under the spending caps in his bill, not a single challenger would have won in the last election.

The congressman breaks his word, abuses the system, and then tries to silence the rest of us. And this is the man whose bill is supposed to make campaigns more fair?

Give me a break, Marty.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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